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Web Development

Now-a-days  it  is no need to explain about the necessity of internet and  website. To focus your business in the global web, you must have a website. For that  a  good looking attractive  design of your web site  is very essential as well as an effective web development.
What is web development :
It is the work of managing, maintaining and assuring the presence  of your website in internet. The term 'web development' refers to a large range of activities related to developing for the web. It has two parts : web design and development of web software. Development of web software includes web applications, e-commerce software, web server configuration and management. To do these activities, developers use programming language or coding which have  mainly  two sides. One is server-side  coding and another is client-side coding. .
 Server-side web development 
Server-side coding or web development concentrates on programming that affects the server. This type of development can be undertaken in a number of languages or coding . The  most popular programming languages are : PHP, Ruby on Rails, Coldfusion, ASP.NET.
Client-side web development 
Client-side  coding or web development focuses on code that affects what happens within a visitor's browser. These are : HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and JavaScript libraries, jQuery, Prototpye, Client-side development is often used to affect the behavior of a website; e.g., to check what you are entering in a form is valid, and to introduce effects to the website.
A developer is generally capable of writing custom scripts to accommodate a client’s needs, and is either professionally trained in, or has ample personal experience working with, above   scripting languages. In most cases, a web developer builds a website from the bottom up, fashioning everything from the home page to site layout and function. A good developer takes into account the client’s products or services along with the target market to create a website that will have specific appeal to that market. The site should also showcase the products or services in such a way that is not only promotional, but dynamic, stressing advantages over the competition.

Developers have to do  a big job for developing a website. He has to have a  good understanding of quality issues across graphics, content, code, SEO, and marketing messages.


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